
Coach Megan

  • Favorite Skill: Awesome Annie
  • Years Jumping: 27 years
  • Favorite Jump Rope Memories: Participating twice with team J.U.M.P (Jumpers United for the Macy’s Parade) to perform in the 2013 and 2015 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.  I also enjoyed jumping on the set of the Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular in Walt Disney World.  I have many great memories traveling to Canada, Disney, New Orleans, Iowa, Michigan, Virginia, Connecticut, North Carolina, etc with my jump rope family.
  • Favorite Part of Coaching: Watching the “ah ha” moment when a jumper finally masters a skill.  Many jumpers are in our program for years and to see their hard work pay off is an exciting moment that I am blessed to witness.
  • What do you do when  you are not jumping:  When I am not jumping I teach 3rd Grade.  I also plan vacations for other through my job at Magical Vacation Planner.  For fun I enjoy reading, visiting Disney, relaxing at the beach or pool, and spending time with my family.
  • What motivates you:  I am motivated by the progress of the sport.  Jump rope is always evolving.  The skills are limitless as there are jumpers constantly pushing the envelope to create new skills.  To see what has been created in the last few years is amazing. 

Coach Megan

  • Years jumping: 17 years
  • Favorite Skill: TJ
  • What keeps your coming back: I love jump rope and all the people and memories it brings!
  • Favorite part of being on the team: I love making memories and traveling for camps and competitions.
  • Favorite jump rope memory: Traveling to Connecticut in 2016 for an All Star Workshop with other members of the team.



Coach Reagan

  • Age: 17
  • Years Jumping: 12 Years
  • Favorite Skill: TJ
  • Favorite part of being on the team: I like to compete and perform as part of the team
  • Favorite Jump Rope memory: Going to National in 2019 at Disney World
  • What do you like to do when you are not jumping: I like to read and bake
  • What motivates  you: Competing really pushes me to be my best.